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Showing posts from August, 2014

Workout at HOME! (Great for rain, snow, or stay at home or single parents)

***Disclaimer: As always, you should check with your doctor before beginning  any physical activity or exercise program to make sure your workout is the best and most effective method suited for your needs and fitness levels.*** As as single parent, I know its hard to make time for exercise, especially with work and the kids activities...  BUT it can be done! :) If you need a significant workout but can't make it to the gym or out for a run, an easy and effective way to maximize calorie burn at home is with "Circuit Intervals". Interval training causes max calorie burn and continues to burn calories post workout. By doing different exercises with periods of rest, you can get the most out of a home work-out.  In circuit intervals you are shooting for max heart rate (in a healthy person around 160-180bpm) with an equal rest period to get the rate back down (remember, at least to 100bpm). You can figure out your heart rate (HR) by checking your pulse on your wr...

Why Coffee Is AMAZING!

Besides the fact that it is like a warm hug on a cold day, an energizing kiss first thing in the morning, or a reason to just sit around and relax alone or with compnay, here are other researched and evidence-based reasons why coffee is fantastic... Understanding coffee's effect on the brain  Increases mental acuity (can make you smarter!), aids in depression and elevates mood, and reduces risk of diseases such as Alzheimer's and  Parkinson's... When caffeine enters the bloodstream, it blocks the neuro-receptors in the brain for Adenosine and Dopamine. Adenosine is a neurotransmitter that, when binds to its appropriate receptors, causes drowsiness, dilates blood vessels and slows down other neuronal firing. Dopamine is essentially the cause for feelings of "pleasure."  Caffeine binds to Adenosine receptors and causes the brain to essentially "speed up" causing other neuronal firings. The result is a release in the "flight or fight...