...our series on "Chronic Stress" Part 1: An Introduction I have studied the effects of chronic stress for the past few years, both in my psychology major and currently as part of what will be my Master degree thesis... Let's face it, stress is a part of daily life. But how much is too much? This subject is one of the most important of ones that should be made aware to the public... CHRONIC STRESS! Now I am not talking about a little life stress, everyone has a little.And some stress is good (such as working out or riding a roller coaster for the thrill of it) But constantly being worried, upset, or miserable over something (or everything) everyday of your life can cause more health issues than you think, INCLUDING atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), fat accumulation and distribution, chromosome damaage, even brain (yes BRAIN) damage. But you don't have to take just MY word for it. When it comes to experts on the effects of chronic stres...
Lifesyle Revelations.