This is our section on food, nutrition, environment, damage and the aging process; and how these elements synergistically affect you, your body, and your over-all health and well-being. Plus we will give you the inside info on how you can halt, prevent, and possibly reverse some damages already done.
What about fertilizer? Most fertilizer is fortified with 3 minerals: N, P, K (Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium). Unfortunately there are 52 minerals that should be in the soil.
Deficient soil = deficient plants. Deficient and sick plants cannot fight the bugs, and fungus etc, so then the Ag Industry goes to chemical companies. What then happens is our food is dowsed with pesticide and herbicide and fungicide, picked and packaged, then shipped to the grocery store. By the time we receive it is most likely already a week old. At this stage there is approximately 40% of the nutrients left in the food we buy and take home.
Then we cook it, which kills the live enzymes in raw foods (that aid in digestion and other body chemical reactions) and also some of the vitamins and minerals, like Vitamin C. Vitamin C cannot withstand heat, and it is one of THE MOST important when it comes to aiding the body to repair itself from damage done by free-radicals, stress, and more. But we will get more in-depth of vitamins and minerals later on...
The foods we eat are not only toxic but mineral deficient and so, plain and simple, are we, as
Our society suffers from chronic malnutrition. In short, we are sick. Here is where the pharmaceutical companies come in.
The Pharmaceutical Industry is a multi-national billion dollar industry with a responsibility to their share-holders. They are a business. The main goal of any business is to make money. In the case of the Pharmaceutical companies, their business is sick people.
Now before I go on I must make clear that I am not saying we shouldn't have drugs, short-term use is very effective, life-saving in instances, and useful in pain-management. But the rate at which people are taking "a pill for every ill" is growing due to this mentality of "one drug per one disease," prescribed to you by your physician, or medical doctor.
Less than 6% of graduating medical doctors have received formal training in nutrition. There are several reasons for this.
First let's go back to the point I made earlier, "there is no money in health."
Its not that your doctor is purposefully trying to make people sick, or keep you from getting better, in most cases they simply don't know. Nutrition isn't usually considered when people go to the doctor for whatever reason. The doctor usually treats the symptoms and not the underlying cause of whats keeping people sick.
This is taught in medical school, which is overseen by the AMA (American Medical Association)...and the AMA is heavily funded by....drum roll...the pharmaceutical companies!!!
Of course he argued with me. "No, its a waste of money, you should get all you need from your diet."
I responded by saying, "that's the problem! No one gets it from their diet!" THIS STUMPED HIM.
A moment later he responded, rather weakly I thought, by agreeing with me, and then added as an after thought "Well all you would have to do is drink a glass of OJ [to replace lost vitamin C]." Ridiculous!
This goes to prove my point of most Western ideas of health and nutrition. They claim there is no research or literature on the subject BUT THERE IS! The AMA Journal selectively publishes its studies, research, and medical literature (again, heavy adverts by the pharm companies). There are "black-listed" literature and journals such as the "Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine" ( that the US self-proclaimed "largest medical library in the world" will not index. These journals contain the proof and the studies; that vitamins do make a difference in curing disease. Why are they non-indexed?
All the studies done on vitamins use "low doses" which are ineffective and therefore would produce no result. In the studies done on high doses, things like disease and depression has shown to have been cured by simply giving vitamins and minerals, ones like vitamin C and Niacin (B3). Some of these studies go back to the 1930s. So why is there still this controversy going on?
"Good health makes a lot of sense, but it doesn't make a lot of dollars..."
The pharmaceutical companies basically run the AMA and all its affiliates through advertising and funding. The companies fund and run most of their own studies on their own medicines, which is overseen by a board that has members formally on their payroll or with interest in the company. The pharm companies are not in the business of health and therefore, do not want recognized that vitamins can and do heal sickness; and don't recognize for the most part that a lack of vitamins and nutrients cause sickness and disease (think lack of vitamin C and scurvy)....
BUT there is another way: help the body heal itself by giving it what it needs. When the body heals itself, everything heals. How to do this? Change our way of thinking. Read up on nutrition information and vitamin therapies. These will be the next part in this series, please stay tuned!
Media- "Foodmatters" Documentary (for webpage visit
UPDATED 4/17/13
Forget everything you know about your food, and nutrition. We are going to give you the "real deal" about what you are putting into your mouth...
"Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine thy food." Hippocrates
(Father of Modern Medicine, 370BC)
The Beginning: The Agricultural Industry
It's very simple...our food is deficient in nutrients. It is safe to say, that makes us nutrient deficient. But where does all this start? From the "ground" UP!
A simple formula:
Our soil is toxic and deficient in minerals. There are several reasons...
Our food is grown in soil that is toxic (environmental toxins in the air and ground and water from pollution) and then on top of that, it is re-used to the point of deficiency by growers (we shall refer to the agricultural industry as the "Ag") .What about fertilizer? Most fertilizer is fortified with 3 minerals: N, P, K (Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium). Unfortunately there are 52 minerals that should be in the soil.
Deficient soil = deficient plants. Deficient and sick plants cannot fight the bugs, and fungus etc, so then the Ag Industry goes to chemical companies. What then happens is our food is dowsed with pesticide and herbicide and fungicide, picked and packaged, then shipped to the grocery store. By the time we receive it is most likely already a week old. At this stage there is approximately 40% of the nutrients left in the food we buy and take home.
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Remember to wash all fruits and veggies before consumption!!! |
The foods we eat are not only toxic but mineral deficient and so, plain and simple, are we, as
Modern Medicine: A Pill for Every Ill
The Pharmaceutical Industry is a multi-national billion dollar industry with a responsibility to their share-holders. They are a business. The main goal of any business is to make money. In the case of the Pharmaceutical companies, their business is sick people.

Who Runs the World?
Less than 6% of graduating medical doctors have received formal training in nutrition. There are several reasons for this.
First let's go back to the point I made earlier, "there is no money in health."
Its not that your doctor is purposefully trying to make people sick, or keep you from getting better, in most cases they simply don't know. Nutrition isn't usually considered when people go to the doctor for whatever reason. The doctor usually treats the symptoms and not the underlying cause of whats keeping people sick.
This is taught in medical school, which is overseen by the AMA (American Medical Association)...and the AMA is heavily funded by....drum roll...the pharmaceutical companies!!!
Quick Story
I remember my sister had to get her gall-bladder out (pretty common these days in increasingly younger people) and we were talking to her surgeon and I said something about vitamin C. The surgeon stopped talking and asked me why I thought that [about vitamin C] and I explained that I believed taking vitamins help the body to heal itself.Of course he argued with me. "No, its a waste of money, you should get all you need from your diet."
I responded by saying, "that's the problem! No one gets it from their diet!" THIS STUMPED HIM.
A moment later he responded, rather weakly I thought, by agreeing with me, and then added as an after thought "Well all you would have to do is drink a glass of OJ [to replace lost vitamin C]." Ridiculous!
This goes to prove my point of most Western ideas of health and nutrition. They claim there is no research or literature on the subject BUT THERE IS! The AMA Journal selectively publishes its studies, research, and medical literature (again, heavy adverts by the pharm companies). There are "black-listed" literature and journals such as the "Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine" ( that the US self-proclaimed "largest medical library in the world" will not index. These journals contain the proof and the studies; that vitamins do make a difference in curing disease. Why are they non-indexed?
All the studies done on vitamins use "low doses" which are ineffective and therefore would produce no result. In the studies done on high doses, things like disease and depression has shown to have been cured by simply giving vitamins and minerals, ones like vitamin C and Niacin (B3). Some of these studies go back to the 1930s. So why is there still this controversy going on?
"Good health makes a lot of sense, but it doesn't make a lot of dollars..."

Healthy people DO NOT make money.
BUT there is another way: help the body heal itself by giving it what it needs. When the body heals itself, everything heals. How to do this? Change our way of thinking. Read up on nutrition information and vitamin therapies. These will be the next part in this series, please stay tuned!
Media- "Foodmatters" Documentary (for webpage visit
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